Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Get The Look: For Your Inspiration: Favourite Kylie Jenner Makeup Looks

Fresh faced, yet bold. Some may say that she is too young for the strength of her makeup. Allow me to quote Sam Fine - "Makeup is about personality, it's gonna be different from person to person. So, here is Kylie's personality.

What I like about her makeup? It's Bold, yet fresh! There is always an element of innocence about her makeup. I'm sure that's not her aim, but that's what I see. Enjoy...

Cat Eyes Princess - This look is all about the eye! Everything else is minimal. I say, when you want to do soft... Pick 1 Element of Hard. :-)

Non-Alcoholic Champagne!-  Brow focus. This look is essentially about bring your features forward! When you do this, give one feature a harder kick! In this case - The Brow!

Chilling with my girls. Self explanatory. Nothing fussy. Just your signature. Hint: Eyeliner.

 He thinks I'm a good girl - He's Right. Maybe! Bring forward the innocence but don't be a plane jane. I particularly love this look because she is wearing the most beautiful accessory of all - Her Smile! 

These are some of my favourite Kylie faces. Remember, The Kardashian has their Glam Squad so don't beat yourself up when you can't get the EXACT liner . Makeup artists can't even achieve that. #FACT! This post is to inspire your next makeup Fresh-face look. If you're a makeup girl. :-)

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